A Setting Sun (永遇乐·落日熔金) by Li Qingzhao (李清照)

A setting sun of smelted gold, matched perfectly with sunset clouds
Where is the one I wait for, now?
Dyed-willow billows grow thicker, odes to blossoms the flute laments
How much time for spring is left, now?
The Lantern Festival visits, the weather clement and pleasant
How does no rain nor wind come, now?
Hither comes an invitation, by perfumed carriage and prized steed
Reject drink and poetry friends.
This central land has days of thrive, boudoir doors of ease aplenty
Recall, one must, the fifteenth day.
Graced with jade plumage are the pins, swirled with gold are snow-willow crowns
A gathering ribbon makes neat.
Haggard this is in present day, with windblown bun and iced temples
Too afraid to go out at night.
A better direction for now, beneath the hanging curtains drawn
Is to listen to laughs and words.

Original Text

Translator’s Note
The original doesn’t quite stick fully to syllabic splits, but I chose to do 8-syllable lines.
This poem’s a bit sad; the writer speaks of how she used to hang out with her friends around Lantern Festival times, but now she’s a depressed mess, and chooses to listen to other people having fun, instead. That’s how I interpret it, anyways.

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