A Gorgeous Longing (绮怀) by Huang Jingren (黄景仁)

Several times beneath budding flowers have I sat to play the xiao
Those red walls as distant to gaze at as the river of stars itself
It appears that these stars persist from that very night of long ago
But for whom do I stand in this wind and this dew, on this evening?
My heartfelt emotions are at their end, the silk of a worm’s cocoon
My tortuous mind is flayed and abandoned, like the peel of a fruit*
I think of you as you were, on that full moon of your full fifteenth year
And this pathetic cup of wine I have now will not soothe my yearning

Original Text

* Specifically a banana, but let’s be real here. If I put 🍌🍌banana🍌🍌, would you take this poem seriously?

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