Swallow Tower (燕子楼) by Zhang Zhongsu (张仲素)

Dimmed flames escort dawn’s frost ‘top the Tower,
a lone sleeper rising from nuptial bed.
How many nights have been spent in yearning?
The earth’s faraway corners are yet long.

Beimang’s pines gnarl with their autumnal haze,
and in Swallow Tower, thoughts are quiet.
Self-sunk were swords, shoes, and songs, strewn in dust,
red sleeves and scents dull stored for a decade.

See, in time, red geese return to Luoyang,
and observe black birds pressing in on land.
Pearl qins, jade xiaos, sound with no prime meaning.
Here there are cobwebs, here there are ashes.

Original Text
楼上残灯伴晓霜, 独眠人起合欢床。相思一夜情多少, 地角天涯未是长。
北邙松柏锁愁烟,燕子楼中思悄然。 自埋剑履歌尘散,红袖香销已十年 
适看鸿雁洛阳回,又睹玄禽逼社来。 瑶瑟玉箫无意绪,任从蛛网任从灰。

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